President Bush Commutes Sentences

We received notes from some of you indicating that you had petitioned President Bush to issue pardons to jailed Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean, and we thank you. Our efforts were at least partially successful.

On his last full day in office, President Bush commuted the sentences of the two agents, who will be released from prison on March 20. According to the pardon attorney for the Justice Department, the two were not eligible for pardons.

We will attempt to find more information to help you (and us) understand that. You see, without the pardon, these two former public servants are still convicted felons, deprived of many of their civil rights, not the least of which is the right to vote.

They also can never legally possess firearms. While some of you may agree with that, I would much prefer that these men be in possession of firearms than many of the criminals who are. These men and their families are in danger, and yet they are unable to carry a weapon with which to protect and defend themselves and their families.

Earlier this month, the family of one of these men returned home from a weekend trip to visit him in prison. The agent’s young son opened the door, and turned to yell at his mother: “Don’t come inside — don’t bring my brothers — I smell gas.” She yelled back, “Don’t turn on the lights.”

While the family was gone over the weekend, someone had ransacked the house, destroying the family’s possessions, including cherished wedding and family photos. And apparently the gas in the home had been left on for two days, obviously by someone who intended to blow them to smithereens when they came home. This demonstrates the need for these men to be able to protect their families.

We will let you know of further information we learn about the pardon issue. If pardons become available, we’ll be asking you to join us in petitioning President Obama to issue them.

Thanks again for your help — we CAN make a difference if we just speak up.